************ Installation ************ Python-only installation ========================= ``k-seq`` package can directly install from ``pip`` (``_): .. code-block:: shell pip install k-seq The python-only package has most functionalities ready-to-use for count data (e.g., preprocessed count files or a CSV table). For FASTQ read joining, trimming, and deduplication, we use `EasyDIVER `_ and require additional dependencies on `PANDAseq `_. Complete installation ======================= Option 1: install with ``conda`` ---------------------------------------------- We recommend to use `Anaconda `_ to create a separate `k-seq` environment. Or a minimal installation: `Miniconda `_. To crate ``k-seq`` environment once `conda` in installed: .. code-block:: shell # change directory to downloaded repo cd /to/k-seq-git-repo # create a k-seq environment conda create -f environment.yml # activate k-seq environment conda activate k-seq # install k-seq python package pip install k-seq Option 2: install manually ---------------------------- Before install ``k-seq`` python packge, please install to `EasyDIVER `_ for sequencing reads processing. Once EasyDIVER is installed, install ``k-seq`` python package through ``pip``: .. code-block:: python pip install k-seq